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STEAM Overview


What is STEAM?

Our STEAM curriculum integrates the five content areas, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics, while naturally incorporating Reading, Writing, and History throughout the entire school day.  The STEAM content areas are embedded in the core subjects of Language Arts and Mathematics, they are not taught in isolation.

How is it different from the traditional classroom setting?

The classrooms are physically set up to support collaborative and flexible groupings.  At Lake View, the teacher is not the center of the instruction and learning is focused on the students.  Students are engaged in the learning through small group collaboration, constant use of technology, hands-on experiments, exploration, and exercising creativity.

Developing the 21st Century Skills – Communication, Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking

Lake View teachers have been trained in the Buck Institute Project-based Learning lesson design model (PBL).  Throughout the units of study, the lessons focus on a global question.  For example “How do we make sure we have enough water to bring us to the next century?”  Utilizing the 5E lesson design of Engaging, Exploring, Explaining, Elaborating, and Evaluating what they learn, the students will conduct investigations, explore real world scenarios, and develop ideas in order to answer the posing questions and problems.